Balade Urbaine

Balade Urbaine was created in 48h during the Urban Jam. Go for a stroll through some suburban streets, and meet the residents who will tell you their story.
Balade Urbaine was created in 48h during the Urban Jam. Go for a stroll through some suburban streets, and meet the residents who will tell you their story.
Murmurations was created during a game creation event, called Mediajam, in partnership with La Belle games and the information Website Mediapart.
The Grand Maestro is an orchestra conductor game made during ZooMachines 2015. The player uses 2 MYO armbands to direct the game.
Pollinator was realized during a 48h game jam for the ep01 of the Sandbox project.
Ferdinand Laboite is a game made during the ZooMachines 2014 game jam, which uses a custom controller for up to 4 players. Both were made in 48h.
The Incredible Pies of Ma Flamingo is a game developed in 48 hours for the Indie Speed Run competition, in September 2013.